Nasturtium leaf pesto

nasturtium leaf pesto with pasta and nasturtium flowers

I love nasturtiums and we grow a lot of them down at the allotment, but the past couple of years I've grown them in our front garden as well. Where they completely took over. So I thought it was definitely time to try making a pesto out of them and I was really pleased with how it turned out, it made a really easy and fresh tasting meal.

nasturtiums taking over the garden

nasturtium leaves picked and washed for pesto

nasturtium pesto recipe

I made it just how I make regular pesto so I am guessing a bit at the quantities below, I'd recommend just adding as much of things until the taste is to your liking.


Nasturtium leaves - I just picked a big handful, and a few of the flowers to garnish.

Juice of one lemon

2 cloves of garlic

Olive oil (about 200ml)

Handful of pine nuts

Parmesan (optional - I've made it with and without, without parmesan I just use more pine nuts and a little extra salt - you could also add a little nutritional yeast to add a bit of cheesy flavour). 

Salt to taste.

METHOD: I use a food processor, you can use a stick blender or if you have the time and energy a pestle and mortar!

Add the leaves to the mixer and blitz a little, then add the pine nuts, olive oil, half of the lemon juice, the parmesan if using and blitz up to your required consistency. Taste it and add more lemon juice/salt/garlic until it is to your taste.

We ate this with some broccoli and courgettes from the allotment and a few black olives. Then garnished with a couple of nasturtium flowers as they are also edible and look lovely!

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